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A bit about me


I've had a passion for photography since I was about twelve years old. 


I grew up in  the country on a small farm--the kind of farm a child thinks about--one where chickens roam free and a horse is never too far away. It was horses, in fact, that inspired my photography career. I spent my summers riding and showing horses through my local 4-H club at a dark dusty fairgrounds arena. My parents, who were always the first to support and encourage the activities 

My name is Kelsey Weir

Kelsey Weir, photographer for Weir Picturesque, smiles with her camera in front of desert rocks

that my brother and I loved, purchased a small DSLR camera in hopes to better capture the memories I made in the not-so-picturesque location. As soon as I started to play around with it, I was hooked. Suddenly, that was no longer my parents' camera--it was mine. Years later, that first camera still sits on a shelf by my desk. 

Kelsey Weir, photographer for Weir Picturesque, poses in front of two wild giraffes

My rural upbringing kept me surrounded by the natural world, able to observe the growth of insects among the tall grasses, the songs of birds searching for a mate in the treetops, and foxes and coyotes trying to feed their families while avoiding the humans trying to protect their own. This environment nurtured my love of wildlife while also fueling my curiosity and inspired me to continue to observe, study, and share the wild world. I went on to study zoology and conservation biology in my undergraduate career at Colorado State University, followed by a Masters in fish, wildlife and conservation biology. I am absolutely captivated by animal behavior. I believe that animals are more similar to humans than we realize, and nothing gets me as excited as capturing a glimpse of how the wild world fits into my own on film. 


Of course, I've always kept a special place for horses in my photography work. I'll be honest, I don't love photographing humans, but when a horse is involved all of my trepidation goes out the window. There's just something about the beauty, grace, and wisdom of a horse that draws me in, and I often find myself struggling to stop hitting my camera's shutter button. Showing  the  bond  between  a  horse  and  its  human  is  something  really 

special. I understand how important these animals are to their people, and I think I have a special talent for being able  to  show  off  the  best  parts  of  every  partnership.  I  think  equine  portrait  sessions  provide  an  incredible opportunity to capture the enduring spirit and love that horses gift to us, but I also love photographing the learning experiences, triumphs, and memories made at horse shows. As someone with extensive experience in the showpen myself, I know what to look for and I love sharing it. I make sure to photograph the fair horse show in the arena where I got my start each year. 





A bit about my business

I started taking and selling photos professionally as a freshman in college. Having had some success in local and online photo contests, I was excited to test my skills out and hopefully make some money on the side. Initially, my business was known as KelseyDPhoto for my maiden name, Dawson. Before I got married, I racked my brain trying to come up with a new name that wasn't taken, sounded half decent, and made me feel like I had room to grow. One day, driving home from the barn, Weir Picturesque popped into my head and never left.  What can I say, I love a good pun! 




Weir Picturesque Logo
Kelsey Weir, photographer for Weir Picturesque, rides a horse while holding a large camera

My businness has grown over the years as I have learned what I like, what I don't, what works, and what doesn't. I love trying new things and getting creative and I'm grateful for the people, animals, and clients that help me create and show off new skills. 


I'm so excited to see what the future holds for      Weir Picturesque! 




Kelsey Weir, photographer for Weir Picturesque, posing with two horses

I have been so incredibly fortunate to travel to numerous countries across several continents which given me the incredible opportunity to see and share the beauty of biodiversity. While I certainly can't complain about a lack of natural beauty here in Colorado, extending my perspective to other ecosystems has been a true gift. Each expedition has offered me a chance to challenge both skills as well as my worldview. 




Kelsey Weir, photographer for Weir Picturesque, looks down at her camera while standing in a river with a mountain backdrop

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Fort Collins, Colorado, USA


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